Friday, October 31, 2014

Latin America Report (United Nations, ECLAC)

Viernes 31 octubre, 2014
Compared with the same period of 2013:Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America Declines 23% in the First Half of 2014
The absence of big corporate acquisitions and a slowdown in mining investments are seen as the main factors, ECLAC reported. *The total amount of FDI received by the region was updated including figures from Bolivia and Honduras.
The employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Employment formalization and labour income distribution
In 2014:Unemployment Could Fall to 6.0% in Latin America and the Caribbean Despite Limited Job Creation
ECLAC-ILO study says employment formalization has contributed to a reduction in income inequality.
According to ECLAC's estimates:Countries in the Region Should Invest 6.2% of Annual GDP to Satisfy Infrastructure Demands
The organization presented a new database that details country investment in economic infrastructure since 1980.
According to a new report by ECLAC:Latin America Has Achieved Progress in Health, Education and Political Participation of Indigenous Peoples in the Last Decade
In the context of the UN Climate Summit:ECLAC Addresses the Paradoxes and Challenges of Climate Change's Economic and Social Impact in the Region
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent Developments
In its report Economic Survey:ECLAC Lowers Growth Forecast for the Region in 2014 to 2,2%
ECLAC Urges Region to Strengthen Statistical Institutions to Contribute to the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Preliminary reflections on Latin America and the Caribbean in the post-2015 development agenda based on the trilogy of equality
Alicia Bárcena Asks for Universalizing the Post-2015 Development Agenda
ECLAC's Executive Secretary participated in a high-level forum with other representatives from the United Nations' regional commissions.
José Antonio Ocampo, Barbara Stallings, Inés Bustillo, Helvia Velloso y Roberto Frenkel
New ECLAC Publication Analyses Integration of Digital Technologies in the Region's Schools
La integración de las tecnologías digitales en las escuelas de América Latina y el Caribe: una mirada multidimensional
ECLAC Refers to the Implications of the Holdouts for the International Financial System
The regional organization's Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, makes a statement due to the ruling by the United States justice system in the legal dispute between the holdouts (so-called "vulture funds") and the Republic of Argentina. 
According to ECLAC's figures:Container Movement in Ports Rises 1.7% in 2013 and Confirms Slowdown in Region's Foreign Trade
Global context of lower economic growth continues to affect port activity, a new ranking from the United Nations organization shows.
Latin American and Caribbean Countries Agreed to Promote Regional Policies on Science, Innovation and ICT
Authorities participated in the First Meeting of ECLAC's Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies, which took place in Santiago, Chile.
According to a new report by ECLAC:Latin America and the Caribbean Received 184.92 Billion Dollars in Foreign Direct Investment in 2013
A change in the trend forecast for 2014 would imply a minor decline in FDI flows towards the region.
New ECLAC-ILO report:Low Economic Growth in 2014 Could Affect Employment in Latin America and the Caribbean
At its Thirty-fifth session:ECLAC Proposes Compacts for Equality and Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
6 May 2014:ECLAC Launches Its Digital Repository with Free Access to More than 35,000 Publications
Access to international capital markets: recent developments in Central America and the Caribbean
The objective of this report is to analyze the impact of recent global financial trends on the access to private external financing by Central American and Caribbean (CAC) economies, as well as their performance in international capital markets in recent years.
ECLAC Launches a New Edition of the Handbook for Disaster Assessment
Since 1972, this organization has participated in the damage evaluation of more than 90 catastrophes that were responsible for around 310,000 deaths and affected the lives of 34 million people.
ECLAC Predicts Latin America and the Caribbean will Grow by 2.7% in 2014
The organization estimates highly varied growth rates among countries, with modest dynamism of the region's principal economies.
ECLAC Puts forward Strategy for Achieving Development with Equality in the Caribbean
Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, takes part in a round table discussion in Jamaica on the region's progress.
In Lima:ECLAC's Executive Secretary Met with Peruvian Government Ministers
During a high-level debate at ECLAC's headquarters in Santiago, Chile:Presidents of Chile and Uruguay Call for Greater Regional Integration
Deadline is April 20:ECLAC Invites Postgraduate Students to 2014 Summer School
The fifteenth session of this academic program will be held from July 21 to September 10 at the headquarters of the United Nations organization in Santiago, Chile.
Biennial meeting:Lima Will Host ECLAC's Next Session
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: 2013 Overview and Recent Developments
ECLAC Unveils Economic and Social Panorama of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
The Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented a report today with the main statistics on the region's countries to CELAC's foreign affairs ministers, gathered in Cuba.
Alicia Bárcena Calls for the Formulation of a Post-2015 Agenda that has Equality as its Ultimate Goal and Guiding Principle
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean participates in a meeting in Mexico about economic and social inclusion.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development BankInnovating, gaining market share and fostering social inclusion: success stories in SME development
During the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland:Panel analyzed the challenges that Pacific Alliance countries face
According to new OECD-ECLAC-CIAT report:Tax Revenues Continue to Rise in Latin America, but Are Low and Varied Among Countries
Debt financing rollercoaster. Latin American and Caribbean access to international bond markets since the debt crisis, 1982-2012
ECLACUnited States Trade Developments 2012-2013
At the close of the Regional Conference on Women organized by ECLAC:Latin American and Caribbean countries approve Santo Domingo Consensus to advance towards gender equality
Delegates meeting in the Dominican Republic agreed on actions for building a new technological, scientific and digital culture geared towards women and girls.
ECLACCapital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: recent Developments
Organic food market in the United States. Market access oportunities for Latin American and Caribbean producers
According to a new report:ECLAC Predicts that the Region's Exports Will Grow by 1.5% and Imports by 4.5% in 2013
Document analyses the effect of the weak global economy and negotiations for mega-regional agreements.
To be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 12 to 15 August:ECLAC Organizes First session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Meeting participants will discuss issues such as population growth, migration, teenage pregnancy, poverty, inequality and human rights.
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: First Quarter of 2013 and 2012 Overview
At the seventh meeting of the ECLAC Statistical Conference of the Americas in November:The Region's Countries Will Analyse the Statistical Challenges of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
At the end of the twelfth meeting of the Executive Committee of ECLAC-SCA, representatives adopted agreements in the lead up to the next regional meeting.
According to ECLAC:Latin American and Caribbean Growth Will Be 3.5% in 2013
Region will be boosted by buoyant internal demand and the recovery in Argentina and Brazil.
Observatory of Imports Customs Control (OCAI) Periodic Note January 2013
This note presents information available in the Observatory of Imports Customs Control (OCAI, by its spanish acronym)
United States Trade Developments 2011-2012
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent Developments
U.S. health care reform and medical tourism opportunities
According to a new ECLAC report presented today:Poverty Continues To Fall in Latin America, but Still Affects 167 Million People
The rise in wages has been a determining factor in poverty reduction, according to the United Nations agency.
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent Developments 
Gobernanza corporativa en el Brasil, Colombia y México: La determinación del riesgo en la emisión de instrumentos de deuda corporativa
April 2012Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: 2011 Overview and Recent Developments 
Institute of the Americas La Jolla, California 6 February 2012Mujeres Transformadoras: De la Pobreza al Poder
ECLAC Washington OfficeUnited States Trade Developments, 2010-2011
November 2011Capital Flows to Latin America: Recent Developments 
Esta nota actualiza la información disponible en el Observatorio del Control Aduanero de las Importaciones (OCAI)
This note presents information available in the Observatory of Imports Customs Control (OCAI, by its Spanish acronym)
December 2010United States Trade Developments 2009-2010
ECLAC statistics:Tourism Revenues Represent over 30% of GDP in Some of the Region's Countries
In Caribbean nations, the economic importance of tourism represents more than 16% of output.
ECLAC launches three studies on the subject:Brazil, Argentina and Colombia Lead Biofuel Production in the Region
United Nations agency studied the opportunities and risks of developing these products in Latin America and the Caribbean.
March 2011Capital Flows to Latin America: 2010 Overview and recent developments
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México 4 y 5 de abril, 2011 CEPAL-OEA Foro Negocios Verdes
Antidumping and the global financial crisis: the impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Estimating the effects of United States food safety and agricultural health standards on agro-food exports from Latin America and the Caribbean
Aspectos determinantes del estado de situación de la facilitación del transporte en América Latina: el caso de Colombia y el Perú (Comunidad Andina de Naciones)
Santiago de Chile, Chile 27 y 28 de julio, 2010 Taller: "Herramientas para alcanzar una gestión empresarial ambientalmente responsable: del diagnóstico a la evaluación" y "Mesa de Diálogo sobre el rol de los diferentes actores involucrados en la implementación de la responsabilidad social empresarial" 
Esta nota actualiza la información disponible en el Observatorio del Control Aduanero de las Importaciones (OCAI) (ver ECLAC, Studies and Perspectives, Washington Office, 5).
Medical tourism: a survey
The migration of healthcare workers in the western hemisphere: issues and impacts
Cambio y oportunidad: la responsabilidad social corporativa como fuente de competitividad en pequeñas y medianas empresas en América Latina y el Caribe.
Promoting corporate social responsibility in small and medium enterprises in the Caribbean: methodology report
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